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02 Februar 2024

Alles über Polyesterfäden

All about polyester threads Envision is a product of extreme versatility, found in everything from water bottles to cl…
24. Oktober 2023

Eine Kurzanleitung zu gängigen Gewindegrößenstandards

Sewing thread size is a fundamental aspect of sewing that can make or break your project. Whether you’re a DIY enthusia…
11. Oktober 2023


What kind of sewing thread should i use? Which sewing thread construction is right for your specific thread…
11. Oktober 2023

Welche Faktoren werden bei der Garnauswahl berücksichtigt?

Remember:Thread only makes up a small percent of the cost of the sewn product, but shares 50% of the responsibility of…
11. Oktober 2023

Auswahl des richtigen Fadenmaterials

What material of sewing thread should I use?  Thread, you can't sew a seam without it but not all threads are the…